蔡黄汝《I服了U》尤克里里谱歌词 I 服了 You 服了 You 了 You You I 服了 You 服了 You 了 You You 叮叮叮叮叮 咬了一口 Oh! I 服了 You 服了 You 了 You You 看你在耍Cool 我都想哭哭 像只蚊子绕来绕去可恶 投降我认输 就陪你摆布 败给你转转转啊转啊头昏
柯智棠《To Be Forgotten》尤克里里谱歌词 They never told us Time waits for no man They never told us Time never truly heals They never told us We will never be happy They never told us We are doomed to fall Under the sky Im just a little ma