趣弹版 《爸爸去哪儿》尤克里里弹唱谱歌词 Kimi:爸爸你会不会唱《小星星》啊? 林志颖:不会啊 Kimi:那我教你好了? 林志颖:好啊! Kimi:Twinkle twinkle little star How i wonder what you are 林志颖:你有跑调哦! 林志颖Kimi:(一起笑) 张悦轩:
趣弹版 《cant take my eyes off you》尤克里里弹唱谱歌词 Youre just too good to be true Cant take my eyes off you Youd be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much At long last love has arrived And I thank God Im alive Youre just too goo