• The Beatles《HEY JUDE》吉他和弦弹唱谱

    The Beatles《HEY JUDE》吉他和弦弹唱谱歌词 Hey Jude, dont make it bad 嘿!Jude,不要沮丧 Take a sad song and make it better 唱首悲伤的歌曲 来舒缓自己的心情 Remember to let her into your heart 请将她存放于心 Then you can start to make it be
  • F调版 The Beatles《Hey Jude》吉他弹唱六线谱

    F调版 The Beatles《Hey Jude》吉他弹唱六线谱歌词 Hey Jude, dont make it bad 嘿!Jude,不要沮丧 Take a sad song and make it better 唱首悲伤的歌曲 来舒缓自己的心情 Remember to let her into your heart 请将她存放于心 Then you can start to make
  • C调版 The Beatles《Hey Jude》吉他弹唱六线谱

    C调版 The Beatles《Hey Jude》吉他弹唱六线谱歌词 Hey Jude, dont make it bad 嘿!Jude,不要沮丧 Take a sad song and make it better 唱首悲伤的歌曲 来舒缓自己的心情 Remember to let her into your heart 请将她存放于心 Then you can start to make