• 版本一 杯子歌《cups》尤克里里弹唱谱

    杯子歌《cups》尤克里里谱视频 杯子歌《cups》尤克里里谱歌词 Ive got my ticket for the long way around 我已拿到长途旅行的通行证 Two bottle whiskey for the way 带上两瓶威士忌 And I sure would like some sweet company 希望途中有个旅伴 And Im lea
  • 阿WIN版 杯子歌《cups》尤克里里弹唱谱

    阿WIN版 杯子歌《cups》尤克里里弹唱谱歌词 Ive got my ticket for the long way around 我已拿到长途旅行的通行证 Two bottle whiskey for the way 带上两瓶威士忌 And I sure would like some sweet company 希望途中有个旅伴 And Im leaving tomorrow 明