• 张一清版 《take me home country roads》尤克里里谱

    张一清版 《take me home country roads》尤克里里谱歌词 Take Me Home Country Roads Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue ridge mountain, Shenandoah river, Life is old there, older than the trees, Younger than the mountains, growing like a breez
  • G调版 《take me home country roads》尤克里里谱

    G调版 《take me home country roads》尤克里里谱 Take Me Home Country Roads Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue ridge mountain, Shenandoah river, Life is old there, older than the trees, Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze Count
  • 强尼版 《take me home country roads》尤克里里谱

    强尼版 《take me home country roads》尤克里里谱歌词 Take Me Home Country Roads Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue ridge mountain, Shenandoah river, Life is old there, older than the trees, Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze
  • 24课版 《take me home country roads》尤克里里弹唱谱

    《乡村小路引我回家》尤克里里谱-乌克丽丽ukulele简谱 这首英文歌原唱John Denver,他唱无数脍炙人口的歌曲,像是和Domingo合唱的Perhaps Love等。 此曲的旋律轻快、好听且朗朗上口,在民歌时期几乎可说是国歌。 这首歌要注意的是下拍的部分,所谓下拍就是刷